Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm Ready for Phase 2, Please

It's Week Three of the Big Spruce-Up on Autumn Grove...and I'm so over it. I am sick...both OF the dust and BECAUSE of the dust. Still, I can now report some progress of note.

The painters got most of the painting done last week, so the main level looks all "brand new." The electrician came today to install the new chandelier in the dining room, along with new light fixtures in the main level bathrooms (see the photo on left of the Master Bath). He also did the math and got the mirrors installed (what's that old adage...measure 47 times, hang mirror in right place once?). The Stanley Steemer guys came this morning and did their thing with the carpet...which looks great, by the way...but the house is now so damp that the dehumidifier in the basement is registering 80% (the highest it will read, I think). The tile guy came to install the kitchen tile (replacement for the damage done recently by the leaking ice maker line)...more on that in a sec. And, last but certainly not least, our Realtor dropped by to put the sign in the yard and the lockbox on the porch. It must be official...our house is FOR SALE!

Still to go...the Realtor Tour is in the AM, as is the MLS listing photographer. Meanwhile, the repairs on the wall and the ceiling in the basement (some water damage) continue. Then, the Molly Maids arrive on Wednesday for a real good clean...hopefully to get rid of all this dust. Got to get everything all finished for the Open House scheduled for this weekend.

About the kitchen tile...wouldn't you know that the WRONG tile arrived after a two-week "special order?" Right size (18"), wrong color (taupe-ish instead of brick). I figured I had a choice at that moment...LOSE IT, royally, which is what I really felt like doing. Or, get the tile guy to help me figure something out. He was fantastic! He worked out a design, incorporating one of 3 extra "old" brick-colored tiles we had along with several of the copper accent tiles (like in the breakfast area, which is what we were trying to make match) to help "bridge" the transition. Custom tile, indeed. And, it looks great. I would never, ever have thought to mix and match the tiles like this, but so what? He'll get the grout done tomorrow, and we can call that a wrap!

Oh yes, I think you could say I'm ready to move on...literally and figuratively. Until then, you can check out some photos I posted to the Flickr Slideshow (left column) of the, progress with the Big Spruce Up activities.

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