Sunday, January 5, 2014

Having Fun...Wish You Were Here!

I never, ever in a million years thought I would say the words "exercise" and "fun" in the same sentence (unless it was "exercise is not fun"), but here we go: I am having enormous fun riding my stationary exercise bike across the USA! I get so excited about where I will ride to each day that it's hard to wait 24 hours in between rides. I probably should schedule a day off, but I just want to keep pedaling!

Let me catch you up on my progress:

Day 1: Home to Union Cross Moravian Church, High Point Rd, Kernersville: 9.1 miles. 50 minutes. (While I'm not making a race out of this endeavor, I did want to keep up with my mileage. The time is displayed along with the mileage, so I might as well report it to you. Forget about "resistance level," since I could care less if I ever get beyond Level 1. Maybe after I have logged a lot of miles and it gets too easy...ha! Truth be told, I would never make it real-life cycling the USA because of the change in topography...hills are a challenge; mountains are murder.)

Day 2: Union Cross Moravian Church, Kernersville to Sawtooth School for the Visual Arts, Spruce Street, Winston-Salem, NC: 9.5 miles. 48 minutes. Sawtooth is one of my favorite places in WSNC...has been since our first move to the Kernersville area in 1988. Missy M took several classes there as a child, and then gifted us with an Introduction to Stained Glass class for my Big 6-0 last year. We made stained glass garden stakes on one July Saturday...what a fun day! Here's a pic of M's and Mr. T's finished stakes, which are overwintering in the Morning Room. Below that is a snap of my garden stake...purple, of course...:-)...which lives in a dracaena in our bedroom.

In real life, I hope to take a photography class at Sawtooth in February. Since I got my new iPhone, I want to make sure I'm getting the most out of its photo capabilities. 

Back to my exercise biking: I had actually intended to "stop" at the Old Salem Visitor Center, another one of my faves, thinking the 8.4 miles might be enough to attempt on my second day. However, I was watching the Tigers play the Cincinnati Bearcats and overshot my destination before I knew it. BTW, Memphis lost, in spite of all my energy and enthusiasm. Boo. Hiss.  Still I learned I can get my speed up to 15 mph easy when yelling "De-fense Tigers, de-fense!" I also learned I waste too much energy if I actually I "yell" in my head.

Day 3 (today): Sawtooth Center to Lewisville, NC: 11.1 miles (whew!). 59 minutes. I had to look Lewisville up because I know next to nothing about it...even though it is located in Forsyth county. Although it is a relative newcomer to incorporation, a settlement has been there for nearly 150 years...owing to the proximity to the shallow crossing of the Yadkin River. The shallow "ford" on the river that stood between the East and the West. Hence, the name of one of Winston's major roads: Shallowford. I know.

I noticed that one of the roads I was google-mapped to ride was Country Club Road. Ah ha indeed!

I know that one, said I. One of my fave knit shops is located on Country Club Road, namely Knit One, Smock Two.  

Ooh! Wonder it they are having a post-holiday sale? Wonder how much I could get into my bike's saddlebags? Oh wait, this ride is in my imagination! Duh! So, I can buy all I want, right? (In my imagination, of course...;-) aren't open on Sunday. Bummer.

Oh well. Keep on pedaling!

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