Monday, April 19, 2010

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It was a gorgeous weekend here in HPNC.  Cooler skies.  Perfect for working out in the yard.  We had 12 new rose bushes that needed to get in the ground, so that set the tone for our To Do List on Saturday.  I know, I know...I said I didn't want another To Do list, didn't I?  Truth-be-told, I operate better when I have some sort of plan.

Anyway, we started the day off with a trip to Ilderton Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep in downtown High Point to get Lillie Pearl her 20K check-up:  oil, filter, tire rotation, and new wiperblades.  If you come in for service on Saturdays, they give you a car wash for free.  Since everything around here is covered in pollen dust, a bath sounded like a great idea.  Of course, if I'd thought about what date it was, I might have thought twice about going through DT HPNC on this particular Saturday:  opening day of the Spring Furniture MarketWhat are all these dressed-up people doing here?  Oh well, it all worked out OK...and Lillie Pearl looks so shiny and healthy, too!

Next to Sam's Club for hamburgers and buns for our cook-out supper...perfect after an afternoon of gardening, right?  Check!  However, when we got home, we had a call from BFF Amelia W., saying she had our pies.  Pies, you ask?  Yessiree.  The Deep River Friends Meeting makes the most marvelous chicken pies for their Annual Chicken Pie Supper (a fund raiser), and we were treated to 3 of them!  Have I told you lately how thankful and glad I am to be back in NC????  Changed our plans:  popped a pie in the oven to stay warm til supper; moved the hamburger cook-out to Sunday.

While AW and daughter CW were over, Gus and Duchess pinned one of their favs down on the sofa...lap dogs that they are.  Thought you might enjoy the picture (left).

OK...on to the yardwork.  While Mr. T and Gus dug the holes for the roses, I potted up some flowers for the deck and the little patio near the swing.  I also added some Wave Petunias to the pots out front, next to the bench (which Mr. T painted a couple of weekends ago).  I thought you'd like to see the guys at work (right).

The twelve new rose bushes are:  Proud Land, Mister Lincoln, and Chrysler Imperial (red ones); Pink Peace, Miss All-American Beauty, and Nearly Wild (pink ones); John F. Kennedy (2) (white ones); Angel Face (lavender); Kordes Perfecta (mix of pink and yellow); and New Day and OreGold (yellow ones).  Whew!  Of course, we have just a spot for a climber, so we are still looking for a Queen Elizabeth climber for it.

After all that work, you know those burgers tasted did those Sam Adams Lights!

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