I used Plymouth Yarns Jeannee yarn, which is 51% cotton, 49% acrylic...and 100% soft to the touch, a delight to knit! I bought the yarn at Island Knits in Pawleys Island, SC, while we were there on vacation last May. I found a pattern for the Baby Teddy Bear Sweaters from Crystal Palace, to which I made few, if any, alterations (for once...:). And, I put into practice some of the things I learned at my recent "Finishing Techniques" class.
I believe that Dr. R. was genuinely surprised by the gift, and I was overwhelmed by the kind responses from many of her office staff. When I was checking out (after Dr. R. had shown the sweaters to one-and-all), several came up to tell me "how cute," and "great job!" Of course, such remarks always make one feel good, don't they? Ooh, yeah.
Still working on the Top Down, Design Your Own Sweater. Had class on Tuesday night. We're in the home stretch, as next week is our last class. I really want to have this sweater finished then. Really, really, really. I've been knitting the body, practicing my Continental knitting...and actually am beginning to like it. After the initial pain and stiffness in my right hand, from training those muscles to do something different, I think it may be less strain on my right hand. Possibly. Will continue to practice. Knit, knit, knit. Finish, finish, finish.
Meanwhile, we made a mad dash tonight to get some Halloween decorations on the front porch: the two lighted pumpkins, the door decals we've had since Maredith was a child, and...of course...the ghost wind socks, which we hang from the flower-basket chains on either side of the porch (we used to hang them over the two coachlights at the door, but this house only has one porch light). We also got out the Spooky Songs cassette (you see how old that is) and finally found the cassette player (even older, if possible)...it has the Addams Family Theme song, the Twilight Zone theme music, etc. Oh, and I found a Princess headband with attached veil, which I'm currently wearing...and may not remove. (I think it may have originally have belonged to Duchess, but she's not dressing up this year...so there...:) I think I hear some little goblins headed our way, so I'd better get ready to answer the doorbell...and hand out the candy!
Happy Halloween!
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