Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Unplugging for a Restart

Hello there! Long write. I could wax poetical about the reasons I hit the pause button on my blog, but the truth is that I was doing my best to follow some (really bad, as it turns out) advice of my mother: "if you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all." Momma, we got that one wrong in so many ways. Simultaneously, I tried to follow another of Momma's maxims: "don't allow hate to grow in your heart." I don't know about you, but those were very nearly opposites in my book. So, wrong again. Still, I tried to keep my mind and hands active, even as the pandemic shrunk our universe to our 1/3 of an acre. I have gardened. I have written. I have written about gardening. And I have knitted. Countless stitches, swaths of shawls, a whole family of gnomes.
And I have bitten my tongue while trying to battle the ever-mounting, molten heat of hate that has daily threatened to take up residence in my core. On January 6, 2021, I lost the war I have waged for 1,447 days to try to hold my tongue. I have said things that, while completely true, are not nice about the evil and seditious lame duck...who is giving all ducks a bad name, if you ask me. So, just like I do when my printer goes offline, I unplugged the device...and plugged it back in for a restart. And just like that, it's time for a restart!

It’s Been a Minute

Happy Fall, y’all! That photo is from last year’s Autumnal Equinox,  which we witnessed while in rural Shelbyville, KY.  Autumnal Equinox  I...