Thursday, April 30, 2009
Look Who Found Us in KY

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We Have a Contract...Finally!

"The work was like peeling an onion. The outer skin came off with difficulty ... but in...time [you're] down to its innards, tears streaming from your eyes as more and more beautiful reductions became possible."
-- Edward Blishen in Donkey Work, (1983).
Behold a photo (right) of our new home in High Point, NC. As I said in my previous post, we found it listed on Realtor.com, after we had to give up on finding a new home that would meet our family's specific needs and began to look at resales; we shared it with Realtor Bob, asking if he was familiar with the subdivision, Sailing Point.
On paper/online, it sounded perfect for us in that it had both the master bed and bath AND another large bed and bath (necessary for N/M/E) on the main level. He thought it would be a good one for us to include on "our list," and it went to the Number 1 Spot as soon as Mr. T toured it a couple of weeks ago. I flew to NC this past weekend, and as soon as I drove up to it, I just knew..."this is it." Although I looked at all the others on the short list that Realtor Bob and Mr. T had narrowed down for me (because I don't do very well with too many options...:), I kept referring to this one as "our house." As they say, the rest is history.
Of course, the in-between story was that it was a long and exhausting negotiation process, but we'll forget that in a short time. We'll be too busy enjoying our screened porch overlooking our treed backyard, where we'll have our 13 bird feeders stragically placed for optimal viewing. (The sellers are leaving the birdbath that is already set up amongst the azaleas and daylilies.) Closing is set for May 27th. Can't wait...but I'll have to, won't I?
Meanwhile, all's going well with the progress toward closing on the MO house next Thursday. Biggest problem there: the grass keeps growing and growing and growing, due to the warm weather and an abundance of Spring rain. We've hired out the mowing chore, as we don't intend to be back there...if we can help it. Realtor Sue is a jewel, who keeps an eye on the property for us, so we are comfortable with being 2 states (or more) away.
Almost forgot...FO/UFO Report. I finished that pair of Heart & Sole socks in "Green Envy" colorway on the plane to/from NC...and during my extra-long lay-over in Baltimore (er, I missed my connecting flight to Raleigh on the way last Friday). Thank goodness for knitting! Grafted the toes as we were descending into the Louisville airport on Monday. Couldn't wait to get started on my next pair of socks...which are a gift for a very special young lady...in a very special sock yarn...using a very special pattern. I got them on the needles...2 Socks on 2 Circs...yesterday. Question is...will I really be able to keep this pair a secret until I finish them? Odds are against it...but you never know.
Stay tuned...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Slow as Molasses in January
Here's the latest update on the move from MO to NC...

You should have seen my car on this trip! Lillie Pearl was absolutely loaded to the gills...if a PT Cruiser can be said to have gills, that is. The beauty of a PTC is that you can remove the rear seats completely...and practically turn it into a small cargo van. Check...did that!
This trip was devoted mainly to plants that I'd dug up for transplanting into our next yard, and some things from the inside that wouldn't fit into the last two car-loads. The African Violets...which made the trip unscathed, wonder of all wonders, by riding in the floor-board of the front passenger seat, on each side of a Jackmanii Clematis (that's a photo of what its beautiful purple blooms will look like, above...on the left) that I hope will survive. The lemon tree I started from seed...and the pineapple plant I started from a top I cut off a fresh pineapple from the market. Oh yeah...I've can certainly use the nickname Garbage Gardener, can't I?
In more ways than one. I had been strongly urged to get the ("that thing was very expensive, Mom") composter into the car somehow, someway. It's this fabulous barrel-like tumbler, similar to the one on this link, that I'd received as a gift from my loved ones...ah, they know what I like! And, we really intended for it to go on the truck with our other things way back in December. But, for one reason or another, it didn't happen then. Well, it happened now! I was able to get it all cleaned out, and since it hasn't been doin' its thing all winter due to neglect by moi, it was not in the least, er, fragrant. Empty, it's really not that heavy...and since it is designed to be rolled, which is part of the tumbling action whenever it is loaded, I just rolled it from the back yard to the garage (via the faucet by the back door) and up into the hatchback! Voila! Piece o' cake.
So, today I'm back in KY, where I've set up shop in a corner of Missy M's basement, about 12 feet away from where Mr. T's temporary office is...over there on that card table. We're surrounded by boxes and bins, cartons and crates...and I know she will be thrilled when we finally pack all this stuff up and head East. "So, how's that house hunting going, Mom?"
I was just getting to that...
We think...we hope...we have found a house in High Point. It looks like it was built just for us, actually. To run the numbers...it is an 8-year old, 1 1/2 story, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 4-sides brick traditional (as they say in real estate). It has hardwood floors throughout the main level (tile in the baths; carpet on the second floor), a nice front porch, a "cozy" screened porch, and a good-sized deck. Dining room with french doors. Great room and breakfast room that share a two-sided fireplace with gas logs. Cherry wood cabinets in the kitchen, the baths, and the utility room. Workshop already set up in the garage for Mr. T. The yard has an irrigation system and lots of trees (as does the whole neighborhood) for attracting birds, and there're even a couple of pink dogwoods in bloom right now.
Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Fooled you! Found it on the Internet, with the help of Bob Our Realtor. Fell in love with the pictures of the leaded glass front door and transom, and with the way the bay window in the breakfast room looked...isn't it funny what will attract you to one house over another? Mr. T has been the point person on our House Hunting, and this is the one he really likes. On his visit last weekend, he snapped loads of photos (even some of the attic and of the crawlspace...:), and I've stared at them so many times and at such length that I feel like I've been there already. And, this weekend I'll make that happen.
We didn't want to lose it, so we made an offer late yesterday, but haven't heard back yet. Which brings me back around to that waiting game. Back to where I started this post. And I still hate to wait.
Stay tuned...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Bye, Bye Birdies

As this is our last weekend together in STL, Mr. T and I decided to take time out from the packing and moving activities for one last trip to Busch Stadium III on Saturday. It was a beautiful afternoon...clear and sunny, albeit windy and a bit chilly for a baseball game...57 degrees for the first pitch at 3:10 p.m. I guess you have to expect changeable weather in April...and at least it wasn't snowing like it was for Opening Day on Tuesday! It's called being thankful for small mercies, I think.
We had great seats in the Upper Infield Terrace, right over Home Plate...way up there, over Home Plate...right over the big B in Budweiser, if you've ever noticed it at Busch...:) We like to sit up high so we get a good view.
I took my knitting with me, for my own personal Stitch 'n Pitch Day (as I won't be here for the "real" event), but it was just too cold for me. I wore my gloves almost the whole nine innings!
With the Cardinals ahead of the Astros 1-0 in the 5th, the crowd was feeling good enough to start The Wave...probably an attempt to stay warm, but still fun.

Then, with the bases loaded, Pujols stepped up to the plate. I had just enough time to get my camera out of my purse before he swung and connected for a Grand Slam! And, to make it even sweeter, the ball bounced off the McDonald's "Big Mac Land" section (see the photo, left, for the replay on the Jumbo-tron), earning every one of us 43,000-plus spectators a Big Mac on Sunday.
You would think he'd done a day's work, but you'd be wrong. In the 7th, Pujols knocked another homer to the left-field corner bringing in the two men on base. Wow! What a remarkable player. Even Tony LaRussa seemed in awe...struggling for the right words in the press conference.
My dear, darling Daddy, whose birthday was April 11 and who left us 19 years ago today, would have loved a game like that.
OK, so we're powering down and packing up, meaning I'll be off-line for a few days. Our closing is still scheduled for May 7th, and we are feeling pretty good that it will happen as planned. Our buyer even stopped by to meet us this evening...more on that with my next post.
Stay tuned for updates...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Is That Really Snow? No...April Fools!
OMG...it looks like it has snowed at Missy M's house! She has 5 or 6 large Bradford Pear trees in her front yard which were in full bloom last weekend when I was there...and when the wind began to blow on Sunday, the white petals began to fly all about, like snow flakes. Gorgeous!
Yes, I'm still traveling back & forth, to & fro, from KY to MO. I'm thoroughly sick of Interstate 64. I've listened to more books-on-CD than you can imagine...almost every one of Agatha Christie's mysteries.
I especially like to listen to Hugh Frasier's voice (he is the actor who played the definitive Capt. Hastings in the definitive David Suchet-versions of Poirot on BBC/PBS/A&E TV). He does all of the characters' voices so well...even the female, even the "foreign" accents! Suchet is also a reader on a few of the CD's, and he can make his voice sound just like an American woman speaking...or a French man...or Russian woman...or...you get my drift. Amazing talents. I guess I'd better get on the St. Charles County Library's website and reserve me another couple of books to listen to on my next 6 hour ride (3 there, 3 back). Sigh.
Still, I do have good news to report on the home front(s). Here in MO (where I am at the moment), we've had the home inspection and the termite inspection...and there are only 4 things that the buyer is requesting. Three are what I would term "minor," with only one in the "major" catagory...meaning we will have to get someone else to complete it. The home inspector found that 2 of the plumbing vents on the roof have "deteriorating" seals, and the buyer wants us to replace them. Of course, this is not something we will attempt to do (go on the roof), regardless of how dyed-in-the-wool-DIYers we might be. (And, of course, the inspector "found" something that we cannot check out ourselves...but I digress.) We've already signed off on the request, so the next step in the sales process is the appraisal...which should happen soon, maybe as early as tomorrow. After that, it's all over except the actual closing on 5/7/09. Banner day!
In NC, where Mr. T is, there is also good news. He is meeting the Realtor there tomorrow to start the "real" house-hunting. By "real," I mean that they will be visiting properties with an eye for purchase (sooner rather than later), instead of what we were doing, which was to visit properties to get a feel for neighborhoods, etc. Ours was a weeding out process; theirs will be a selection process.
Of course, we are all currently grieving the loss of the Memphis men's basketball coach to the University of Kentucky. Coach Calipari really lifted the program from the doldrums 9 years ago and breathed life back into the Tigers. He's a marvelous recruiter and is able to bring top talent on board...at least until they leave for the NBA. Double sigh. Got to get over it and move on. Still, as I said in my Twitter to the Commercial Appeal, Alan Graf (a top FedEx exec and big Tiger booster) put it best: “Now, [UK]'s the same university that (drove away) Tubby (Smith) after a national championship..." I guess we'll just have to see how this decision plays out. Hopefully, before too very long, we (UofM) will have a new coach in place...and renewed enthusiasm for next year's run at the Final Four!
Meanwhile, I have to keep the stress of waiting and anticipating under (some) control. I started a sweater for friends' new grandbaby on Saturday, using some CotSoy yarn in Missy M's stash and her Queensland Collection book with the Juniperus pattern as my guide. I knitted almost constantly through Monday night, stopping only to eat and to drive back to MO (and if I could figure out how to knit and drive...safely...I would do it...:). I finished the sweater on Tuesday and the little hat (a made-up pattern that mimics the Juniperus color changes) on Tuesday night. There's a photo on the right of the two pieces. The other photo (left) is a picture of the pile of "ends" that I had to weave in on all of the color changes (stripes)!
Have I told you how very much I hate to weave in the ends? Well, just in case you missed my previous rant(s), I HATE TO WEAVE IN ENDS! Hate. to. Still I love how the stripey little sweater looks, don't you? Worth it. And, then I put all the little yarn cuttings out for the birds to use in building their nests. Recycling at its best!
My current project is completing a pair of Sockotta socks that I started way back in October (see photo to the right). I had completed the cable patterning for the cuff of Sock #1 before I put this project down to work on Christmas presents. Last night, I was able to turn the heel, finish the instep, and start the toe decreases. Should be able to finish up Sock #1 today and get started on Sock #2 by tomorrow. I'm hoping to get them finished in time for N/M/E's upcoming birthday. I do find that a deadline always makes me knit "on purpose." No stress...
It’s Been a Minute
Happy Fall, y’all! That photo is from last year’s Autumnal Equinox, which we witnessed while in rural Shelbyville, KY. Autumnal Equinox I...

He was found wandering the streets of Hannibal, Missouri. He had no collar, no chip, and almost no lower front teeth...apparently from havin...
What a wonderful time we had on Sunday! We traveled to Tennessee to help Cousin Allene celebrate her 100th birthday . In the photo to the ...
Now isn't it funny what we are celebrating on this monumental day? Let's see...It was Ella Rae's Gotcha Day , making her four ye...