Looks like we are headed for the high-90's today, with thunderstorms a'brewing for tonight and tomorrow. Same old, same old.
Of course, I have to give credit where it is due. This long, hot, wet Summer we are experiencing has been perfect for sustaining all of our beautiful blossoms. Without a doubt, the flowers of all varieties have been the biggest, prettiest, showiest (add superlative here) we've seen in...well, in forever! Hooray!
Not so for the veggie garden, I'm afraid. The weeds are about the only things that are growing great there. Upon reflection, I acknowledge two major mistakes:
- I rushed to plant, especially my tomatoes and my onion sets. True confession: I wanted that first tomato to come in by July 4th. Well, I reached that goal on July 1st, but it happened on one of the Patio Tomatoes in containers on the deck. Waiting for the ground to dry a bit to allow at least one more pass with the tiller...and adding some more compost and garden soil on that last pass...might have made a huge difference. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
- I didn't get a chance to add my usual 4 bales of straw (over newspaper) as mulch after planting to keep the weeds in check. Now, instead of a lovely, productive kitchen garden, I have a weed patch with a few leggy tomato plants...and some rather hardy cucumber vines.
Yep, the cukes are out-producing the tomatoes by about 4-to-1 (as you can see in the photo, right, above). Soooo, looks like I'm making pickles soon, doesn't it? (BTW, I ate that tomato in the picture for lunch that very day...:)
At least the dogs know how to behave during these Dog Days of Summer. They stay indoors where there's air conditioning...and sleep through the hottest part of the day. Smart.
And, on the stix at the moment is a modified Metro Pullover (pattern from Oat Couture) for Nana/Momma/Edith in Queensland's Bebe Cotsoy (50% cotton, 50% soy) yarn in a cornflower blue color #1. I finished the back and front while I was dog-sitting Ella Rae last week in L'ville, and I am now ready to three-needle bind-off the shoulder seams. Next up...after N/M/E tries on the unfinished shell...are the sleeves, which are knitted onto the sweater instead of separately. Then, last but not least, the collar (also knitted on by picking up stitches). A couple of side seams...a little steam from the iron...and it will be done.
It had better be done before August 8th, or it will get sidelined. I've signed up
Speaking of dogs...and I was, several paragraphs ago...check out this Puppy Cam link. If you are lucky, you will get to see a litter of Basset Hound puppies in Wisconsin in all their glory: http://www.oldefashion.com/puppycam. Enjoy!